Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Companies putting up Fake sales

Wake up America.Why are still running behind sales?I know one reason for that is because people dont go to same store every day for 30 days so you dont know how these compaines are playing with all of us.Every time you go to any a clothing store for example do you ever notice if they have moved the racks arund or what was there on that rack last time.Answer is no.First week you will see the shirt for $40.Second you will see 50% off has retail price of $70.Next time you go there you will see the same item buy one for $69.99 and get one for a penny which sounds like our Black friday sale.Every time price stayed the same.You will surely find cheap cloths but they will be over size 2x or 3x.How about electronics sale.How many times have you checked the price of the tv that went on sale for $350 on black friday.I know it was the same before Black friday and will stay the same after black friday.Not just that good brand is never on sale like sony or samsung.What on sale vizio or projecta which most people have never heard of.Come on people stop standing in line for fake sales.There arn't any sales.Groccery store have there sale only when food is about to expire.Why we still cant't get back on our feet.Why companies are still going out of business or loosing sales,Because i think people are either getting smart shoppers or they don't have money.What ever reason it is just becareful.Only place you can get The best sale is at Good will store.Why do you find branded stuff cheap from T.J Max or Ross?Not because the companies had too much of it.Its because that stuff was used either in fashion shows or is little damaged or bad quality.I hope every one gets my point and start focusing on sales. Have a smart shopping spree.

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